

21 - 23 October 2024
Venue: Abuja Continental


The Criminal Justice Cohort is a platform for Grantee Organisations participating in the MacArthur Foundation’s On Nigeria initiative. The goal of the Cohort is to advance the administration of criminal justice and anti-corruption policies in Nigeria. The Cohort is organizing a 3-day conference on Leveraging Technology in the Criminal Justice System to hold in Abuja. The dates of the Conference are 21, 22 and 23 October 2024. Academics, Jurists and Legal Experts are invited to submit abstracts of intended presentations on the themes/subthemes of the Conference.

Theme: “Leveraging Technology in The Criminal Justice System”

As we approach the first quarter of the 21st Century, law enforcement and criminal justice strategies are confronting the manifestation and rapid replication of criminal deviance using diverse and new technology. In order to effectively combat these crimes and also efficiently process criminal proceedings the criminal justice system must also leverage technology in such key areas like digital evidence, predictive law enforcement, case management and monitoring and evaluation of rehabilitation or parole. No doubt challenges such as institutional fragility, inadequate or inefficient allocation of human and material resources and other deficiencies exist. This Conference will therefore examine sustainable criminal justice initiatives or concepts on appropriate technologies and measures adopted or proposed to resolve challenges to implementation.

Building on the resounding success of the inaugural Conference in 2022, which brought together a diverse array of stakeholders committed to driving a positive change, we are excited to announce on behalf of the Cohort, the second edition of the Criminal Justice Administration Conference (ACJC-2) with the theme - ‘Leveraging Technology in The Criminal Justice System’.The Conference themes align with the UN-SDG #16 in the pursuit of“ Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions” by examining institutional and legal frameworks for accountability access to justice and sustainable development.

This Conference therefore invites academics, prosecutors, defense attorneys, correctional officers, judges, magistrates and other judicial officers, NGOs and criminal justice practitioners to submit papers that examine developments in criminal justice administration on the following sub-themes:

  1. Leveraging Technology in the implementation of an anti-corruption legal framework in sub-Saharan Africa
    1. IFFs: Tracking and counter- measures
    2. Beneficial ownership Registers and Anti-Corruption fight
    3. Risk Assessment of Vulnerable Sectors
  2. Effective Crime Detection and Investigation Mechanisms
    1. Digital Forensics - Investigating electronic devices and digital footprints to uncover crucial evidence in cybercrimes and other cases involving technology.
    2. Data Analytics and Predictive Policing - Crime Mapping and Predictive Analytics; Profiling and statistical tools
    3. Collation Sharing and Management of Digital Intelligence/Evidence – safeguards and rules of admissibility
    4. Bail Reform measures and technology
  3. Effective Pre-trial measures and Case Management in Criminal proceedings
    1. Technology solutions to Monitoring Arbitrary arrests and Detention
    2. Coordinating Prosecutorial and Investigation functions
    3. Electronic Case file Management - e-filing systems and digital case management
    4. Virtual Hearings
  4. Monitoring Rehabilitation and Recidivism
    1. Electronic Monitoring and Non-custodial measures and Parole; Digital Reporting systems and apps for offenders on probation or suspended sentences
    2. Behavioral Analytics – Predictive analytics, Profiling, Substance abuse monitoring, etc
    3. Inmate education Telehealth services and Vocation counselling
  5. Institutional Best Practices
    1. Capacity Building and Human Resource
    2. Cybersecurity and integrity measures
    3. Public engagement and Communication strategies

Presenters may be required to submit manuscripts of their presentations for publications. Preference will be given to abstracts that –

  1. Have strong links to the conference theme and/or sub-themes.
  2. Incorporate gender and social inclusion perspectives into their topics.
  3. Project original works which are outcomes/results of empirical studies in any of the themes or sub-themes or with a strong conceptual approach
  4. Offer Practical recommendations and policy implications
  5. Provide insights that demonstrate the intersection of SDGs with criminal justice objectives.
  6. Explore the integration of SDGs in the discourse
  7. Highlight successful collaborations between governments, NGOs, the private sector, and international organizations that contribute to building sustainable criminal justice systems.

Submission Instructions

The Conference Planning Committee welcomes submissions of abstracts along these lines from interested persons within the highlighted sub-themes and topics of the Conference.

Submissions in pdf should include (a) Title of the paper or project; (b) an abstract (no more than 400 words); and (c) a short bio and must be sent not later than 31st July, 2024 to info@juritrustcentre.org. Confirmed Presenters are expected to submit their completed paper (not exceeding 6000 words) on or before 15th September, 2024.

Registration and Financial Support

The Conference is hybrid and there is no registration fee. However regardless of whether attendance will be virtual or on-site, we request all attendees including intending speakers to register. Limited financial assistance is however available to enable speakers’ attend. Please see the Conference Link - https://acjconference2.org for more information about the conference registration or contact Lilian (nwokololilian@gmail.com Mob: +2348069528095 or John at info@juritrustcentre.org Mob: + 2348061424342